YouTube A/B Testing Tool

A/B Tester for YouTube Live Streaming

Reach more people when streaming. A/B Test both thumbnails and titles.
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A/B Tester for YouTube Live Streaming
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Automatically change thumbnails On Stream

Thumbnail Test is an A/B testing software that’ll automatically change your live stream’s thumbnails to appeal a larger audience.

  • What it does: It’s like a real-time engagement booster for your live streams, allowing you to A/B test different thumbnails for your events to see what grabs viewers’ attention instantly.
  • Why it’s crucial: Capturing the fleeting attention of viewers is essential in live streaming. An appealing thumbnail can make the difference between a passerby and a dedicated viewer, boosting attendance and real-time interaction.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Step away from guesswork. Discover which visuals or themes in your thumbnails (like engaging questions, vibrant visuals, or compelling faces) truly draw in your live audience, refining your stream’s appeal with strategic insights.
A dashed line

1. Add Thumbnails & Titles

Upload at least two thumbnails and write titles to cycle them while you're live.

A dashed line

2. Set up your Test

Customize the frequency — set how often you want the test to run.

3. Enjoy more Viewers

See the results on the spot. While Thumbnail Test does the cycling, you'll see more people joining you live videos.

What people say about Thumbnail Test 

"Has helped me get millions of views I otherwise would not have gotten"
Jake Thomas
“I changed the thumb on a vid that was stuck at 15k views after 21 days and it took off and hit 120k.”
Machining and Microwaves
YouTube Channel
"This tool would be an absolute must for anyone that takes Youtube video creation seriously."
Chris Bolson
“I changed my thumbnail on YouTube because I wasn’t getting any views - and my video exploded.”
From 40k views → 1.5M views
Nolan Molt
Think Media
"These tests have lead to me blowing up some of my older videos that were dead"
Marcus Jones

Frequently asked questions

How does it work?

We store all the thumbnails you upload.

Every day at midnight (or every hour throughout the day), we change the thumbnail on your chosen video to the next thumbnail in the list.

At the end of the test, we look back at the click-through rate, views, and other stats each thumbnail got, and give you that data to decide which thumbnail performed the best.

What is A/B Testing?

Normally, an A/B test is when you show 100 people something, 50 see A and 50 see B, then you judge if A or B is better based on their reactions.

Therefore, a thumbnail A/B test means we show thumbnail A for one day/hour, then thumbnail B for one day/hour, and repeat that for a couple weeks.

At the end, we see which thumbnail more people clicked on.

How much do I have to do?

1. Pick a video
2. Upload your thumbnails/titles
3. Hit "start"

Then, just wait until the test is over. That's it! 

More FAQs

Think you've got it?

Guess below: click on the winning thumbnail
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