If you’re publishing music or music videos on YouTube, you definitely know how important thumbnails are. This little software helps you automatically find out which thumbnail is liked better by your channel’s fans — all of this is done through A/B Testing with thumbnails (and titles as well).
Let our software know which thumbnails you want to A/B Test.
Don't be shy to make them different from each other. Later it will help you understand which style's better!
But first, customize your settings. For instance, check how often you want the test to take place: hourly or daily.
Upon sending each thumbnail to different parts of your audience, the thumbnail providing you with most clicks is decided the winner.
We store all the thumbnails you upload.
Every day at midnight (or every hour throughout the day), we change the thumbnail on your chosen video to the next thumbnail in the list.
At the end of the test, we look back at the click-through rate, views, and other stats each thumbnail got, and give you that data to decide which thumbnail performed the best.
Normally, an A/B test is when you show 100 people something, 50 see A and 50 see B, then you judge if A or B is better based on their reactions.
Therefore, a thumbnail A/B test means we show thumbnail A for one day/hour, then thumbnail B for one day/hour, and repeat that for a couple weeks.
At the end, we see which thumbnail more people clicked on.
1. Pick a video
2. Upload your thumbnails/titles
3. Hit "start"
Then, just wait until the test is over. That's it!