How-To Copy a YouTube Thumbnail (In 2024)

How to copy a YouTube video's thumbnail image
Article last updated on:
June 02, 2024
  • We’ll teach you how to copy a YouTube thumbnail (extract)
  • From any YouTube video
  • 100% for free.

Very relevant: How to copy a thumbnail’s URL.

How to Copy a Thumbnail from YouTube

You can copy a thumbnail from YouTube by right-clicking the image and selecting “Copy image”. The image will be added to your clipboard.

Method #1: The simple way

Copying a YouTube video's thumbnail image
  1. Find your desired video
  2. Right-click its thumbnail
  3. Select Copy Image

You can then past it anywhere.

Pro Tip: Hit “Save Image As…” if you want to download the thumbnail.

Method #2: Through video ID

1. Open your desired video

2. Copy the video’s ID (everything after “watch?v=”)

Highlighting where to find the Video ID In a YouTube URL

3. Paste that ID here:

4. Press enter

5. Right-click > Select Copy Image


This guide studied the two most reliable (and free!) ways to copy a YouTube video’s thumbnail.

Hope you found just what you needed!

Thank you for reading this,
Thumbnail Test

About the author

David is the head of the editing team at ThumbnailTest. With his help, the editorial team is able to provide you with the best free guides related to YouTube thumbnails and A/B testing.