How To Find A YouTube Thumbnail (2024)

Article last updated on:
June 03, 2024

In this guide, we’re teaching you how to:

  • Find the thumbnail of a YouTube video
  • Get someone’s thumbnail
  • Extract images from any video

Related: How to find the origin of a thumbnail.

How to find the thumbnail of a YouTube video

  1. Open a YouTube video
  2. Copy the video’s ID: everything after “watch?=”
  3. Paste it here:
  4. Hit Enter
YouTube Thumbnail Opened in a New Tab

You can then download the thumbnail at its highest quality.

Related: How to open any thumbnail in full-size.

Another Method

  1. Copy a video’s URL (Link)
  2. Go to
  3. Paste it there → You’ve found the thumbnail
Finding a YouTube video's thumbnail with Youthumb

Youthumb is a simple tool — there’s many like it, though this one is very easy to use.

Thank you for reading this,
Thumbnail Test

About the author

David is the head of the editing team at ThumbnailTest. With his help, the editorial team is able to provide you with the best free guides related to YouTube thumbnails and A/B testing.